Trailer · Background Material · Pictures · Official Site · Flyer directed by: Slavo Luther produced by: Karel Dirka starring:Max Tidof, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Catarina Raacke, Wolfgang Preiss, Uwe Ochsenknecht, Winfried Glatzeder, Katja Flint running time: 93 min.
Vienna, December 5th, 1791
Friends and associates of Mozart's are gathered at his deathbed. Officially, they are in mourning but the small room is filled with mistrust, fear, and suspicion. The Chief of the Secret Police is present and Mozart's short life is unrolled in a dramatic hearing - his musical genius, his obstinate love of freedom, his boundless lust of life, and his extreme passions. But Mozart is not only portrayed as a genius, but as a man with ordinary fears, strengths, and weaknesses. His life is a hectic one, he is obsessed by the conviction that he does not have much time to live.
Mozart is a fascinating man but difficult to get along with. He offends his friends but offers little or no resistance to his enemies and their intrigues. The film's dramatic structure is similar to that of a thriller. Not even the Secret Police Chief's methods of interrogation can answer all the questions. Everyone in the room had a motive and an opportunity to kill Mozart. His death, however, is and remains a mystery.