New Additions
TULIPANI - Tulipani - a Dutch farmer starts a new life in Puglia trading tulips
THE NEW WILDERNESS - #6 at the Dutch Boxoffice in 2013
DER LETZTE MENTSCH - a man's journey to a past well hidden....
GIRL ON A BICYCLE - a romantic comedy about love and other turbulences...
CLOSED SEASON - a complex, tragic love triangle...
YELLOW - Nick Cassavetes' hallucinogenic tale of love and comeuppance...
SWEETWATER - January Jones and Ed Harris on a quest for revenge...
GEOGRAPHY OF THE HAPLESS HEART - three episodic movies about love...
ZARRA'S LAW - Family is above the Law...
A BELFAST STORY - In Ireland, someone always has to buy the last round...
CONFINE - a woman held hostage in her own appartment
ASSASSINS BULLET - (aka SOFIA) Christian Slater hunting down a vigilante assasin...
IMMIGRATION TANGO - They'll do anything for love.. and a Green Card!
NANGA PARBAT - Joseph Vilsmaier's mountain epic in 3D...
SOPHIE - the story of a BIG friendship!
GREENFINGERS - Clive Owen as a prison inmate with a green thumb...